Thursday, November 19, 2009
Child Portrait, step-by step, in charcoal #2
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Child Portrait, step-by step, in charcoal
Friday, October 23, 2009
Trout Pond
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Purchase : $75 unframed (plus shipping). Please send me an email for availability.
See my other paintings on my website.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Blue Ridge Mountains II

oil on canvas on board - 6" x 8"
Click here to buy $75 + shipping, unframed.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Early Color

6" x 8" - oil on canvas
This is another plein air painting, started in the field and finished later in the studio. The leaves seem to be turning early this year, probably because it has been so dry. It is easy to get too detailed in a painting like this, especially since there is so much beautiful detail in the scene. I tried to lessen the detail by making the tree trunk on the left the same value as the foliage behind it. Not sure if it helped--It's hard to judge your own paintings when they're fresh.
While I was painting, one of my friends took my picture. Yes, I am using an umbrella in the shade! It really helped, too. There was dappled light coming through the tree above.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Falls Mill

oil on canvas - 6" x 8"
The photo, by the way, was really boring and looked nothing like my quick study. (Did you ever take a picture of a scene you thought was really beautiful, and when you see the photo, you wonder why you took it?) I altered the photograph on my computer so that the colors and contrast would match my study. Otherwise it would not have been useful at all.
Oh, and here is the plein air study:
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Lewis Falls
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Blue Ridge Mountains - SOLD

oil on canvas - 6" x 8"
I can't believe how hard this was to paint. I had to wipe it off and start over three times! And I'm still not totally happy with it. I just keep telling myself, "It's only a daily painting, it's only a daily painting, it's only... "
Maybe I'm being too perfectionistic, but the very slight changes in the value and temperature of the colors, plus all the soft blending made a huge difference in the aerial perspective. The so-called "rules" of aerial perspective, (that colors get lighter and bluer and less intense as seen from a greater distance), seem to have been written on a sunny day with a blue sky. Here, at dusk, there was so much red in the light, there was a lot of purple in the distance. Actually, the color of those background mountains, which appears blue-violet here, had so much red it, it looked pink on the palette.
The sun seemed to be floating on a layer of purple mist. I put a little thalo turquoise in the sun, so it would vibrate against the reds.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Shenandoah - SOLD

oil on linen on board - 6" x 8"
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Silver Morning - Sold

oil on canvas - 9" x 12"
Having grown up in the mountains, I know there is a comforting feeling of being nestled in among the hills, almost like being wrapped in a soft blanket. Their undulations protect you from the extremes of wind, snow, and sun. I lived for awhile on the plains, and it felt exposed, raw, but also expansive, and the sky was huge!
I really tried with this photograph, but can't get the colors to match the painting... Hope it doesn't look too bad on your monitor.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A Surprise!
Recently, I was very surprised to get a Google Alert for this:
I have no idea who Adriana Ciobanu is, or why she made the slide show. From what I find on the internet, she is in Romania. She did a very nice job! There is no link back to my website or blog though. I emailed her but have not received a response.
You read so much about people "stealing" your artwork on the internet, it makes you sort of paranoid. So while my initial reaction was suspicion, I am now very pleased! Thanks Adriana!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Mill Run

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oil on canvas - 6" x 6"
Isn't this the most endearing dog! Who could resist that tilted head and rolled eyes? He looks like a furry person who is about to say something! Jake is a golden doodle: golden retriever/poodle, and this is a commissioned portrait, which is to be a surprise gift to his human dad. I just hope his dad doesn't see this blog before Father's Day!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Allegheny Forest

Oil on Canvas - 6" x 8"
Here is a painting I did on another trip to Valley Head, WV. It was done outdoors, from life (plein air) and I had to work very quickly because the light was changing. The sun was rising behind these trees, creating a wonderful glow.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Against the Wall Again

Oil on Canvas - 6" x 6"
- They might make a nice set if displayed together.
- I wanted to experiment with using a different medium for each one.
The mediums were:
- Gamblin Neo-Meglip--This turned out to be the most difficult to work with, because the brushstrokes showed in the transparent paint, and the paint started setting up, becoming sticky after about an hour.
- Garrett Copal Concentrate--A resin, not really a medium, seemed to make the paint thicker. Really easy to paint with! Strokes blended like a dream. Did not seem to speed drying. Because it thickened the paint, I ended up using more mineral spirits than usual, but that didn't seem to increase the transparency of the paint. (You know the expression, "Oils slip, resins grip")
- Grumbacher Copal Painting Medium--After the above experience, I decided to try this medium, even though it is a synthetic alkyd medium. At least it is an attempt to duplicate the effects of a copal medium. It did thin the paint and give better flow. Did not become sticky before the painting was finished. Paint seemed to have more body and less transparency than when using Liquin (another alkyd medium).
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Against the Wall
Digital cameras seem to have a lot of trouble with reds, and I had to drastically turn down the saturation and cool the photograph's colors to make it look like the painting. The tulip is supposed to be a true red. Of course, monitors vary in color temperature too...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Uncooperative Tulip
I used a lot of transparent painting here, to get the glow.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Plein Air
I went out plein air painting today with two artist friends. It was our first time out this year and was quite a challenge (translation: learning experience!) The trees haven't leafed out yet, the water here was shallow, so the mud on the bottom was showing. All the colors were grayed, except the bit of green on the marshy land to the right. The geese were entertaining us the whole time with their loud honks and splashing.
Monday, April 20, 2009
White Tulip

oil on canvas - 8" x 6"
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Daffodils II - SOLD

Oil on canvas - 6" x 6"
But when you have two, or more, they seem to relate to each other, so it seems to give the painting a story, if only in the viewer's mind. What is the story here?
Friday, April 10, 2009
I've Been Honored...

Here are the rules:
- List 7 things you love
- Put a link to the one who picked you
- Choose 7 others to pass the award to
- Notify them of their award
Here are 7 things I love, not an exclusive list, however:
My children - son and daughter
My grandchildren - two little girls
Painting, of course!
Getting together with my friends.
The little corners of nature that still exist.
Going to art galleries and museums
Curling up on the sofa with a good movie and a purring cat.
Now, the magnificent seven artists I want to honor. Their work is really worth checking out.
Ali Cavanaugh
Don Gray
Linda Apple
Cooper Dragonette
Jan Blencowe
Qiang Huang
Kelley MacDonald
Thanks again to Carolyn for nominating me!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Back to Still Life

oil on canvas - 6" x 6"
Sunday, April 5, 2009

oil on canvas - 6" x 6"
I eliminated thalo blue from my palette, and used the milder Sevres blue (a Rembrandt color). It allows me to get bright greens, but without it being so overpowering. This is actually the second daffodil painting. For the first one I did use thalo blue to get the deep, rich dark greens in the background. Then I realized there was no way I could paint over it (as with the small amount of overlap that would occur when doing the edges of the petals) without it mixing into the white and causing blue daffodils. I almost wiped the whole thing off, but then decided to let it dry, and paint over it later. So, another daffodil painting will be coming in a few days.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Oscar, Upside Down

Oil on canvas - 6" x 6"
Monday, March 30, 2009
Reflections in Glass

oil on canvas - 6" x 6"
Anyway, after all this talking, I guess what I'm trying to say is, "Reflections in glass sure are hard," without sounding like I'm whining...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A New Art Form...
I think this video has gone viral, so you may have already seen it, but if not, Enjoy!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Forsythia--another view

oil on canvas - 6" x 6"
The background here is softened and rubbed out with a paper towel. So, the lights you see there are actually the white of the canvas showing through.
Monday, March 23, 2009
"Forsythia in the Window"

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"Brilliant Autumn"

I like this one. The evening light had a lot of orange in it. I toned the canvas orange, and was still adding it to almost every color.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
"Grandmother's Baby Shoes"

Friday, March 13, 2009
"Autumn along the River"
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Saturday, March 7, 2009
At Last...
The arrival of spring is always exciting! While it isn't officially here yet, the first crocuses always bring the first color, and the promise of more new life to come. We had a beautiful day today, with temps in the 70's, sunshine and crocuses.
Friday, March 6, 2009
"Flower in a Bottle"
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
"Nestled In"
I just adopted a cat from the animal shelter. He is an adult neutered male, about 1 1/2 years old. Of course, with an animal from the shelter, you wonder about their past history, and what happened that they ended up there. Well, at first, "Oscar" acted afraid of me, but he got over that very quickly and has now nestled in. (And I bet you were wondering why I was talking about the cat, when this painting is obviously an apple!) Well, the apple has a gesture of being completely relaxed, leaning up against the side of the bowel.